I hereby certify that the information contained in the employment application I submit to All State Enterprise Inc. is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that material omissions or falsification of this application in any detail may result in my disqualification from consideration for employment or dismissal from employment.
I also understand that my employment is subject to a satisfactory check of references. I give All State Enterprise Inc. the right to investigate the information given and to secure additional information if necessary. I authorize my previous employers to give information about my employment, work habits and character.
I agree that All State Enterprise Inc. and my previous employers will not be held liable in any respect if an employment offer is not made, is withdrawn, or my employment is terminated because of misrepresentations or omission of requested information. I understand that upon offer and acceptance of a position with All State Enterprise Inc. I will be required to immediately furnish documentation establishing my identity and eligibility to be legally employed in the United States.
I understand that All State Enterprise Inc. is in no way obligated to provide employment and also that I am in no way obligated to accept employment, if offered. This application does not bind either party, and the statements contained herein do not constitute and should not be interpreted to constitute any sort of contract of employment for a specific period of time.
I understand that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) require motor carriers to investigate the employment background, drug and alcohol testing history, and motor vehicle driving record of all commercial motor vehicle driver applicants. I understand that, in accordance with Section 604(b) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act(15 U.S.C. 1681-1681u), consumer reports may be used for employment purposes to complete these and other background investigations. I hereby authorize All State Enterprise Inc. to obtain consumer reports for the purpose of conducting background investigations for employment purposes.
I certify that the driver’s license I have submitted as part of this application is the only one in my possession. I understand that in compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Parts 383, 392 and 383, it is required that all drivers abide by the Requirements of Licensing as described below:
A driver of Commercial Motor Vehicle may not possess more than one operator's license. If a driver possesses more than one license then he/she must keep the license issued from their state of residence and return the additional licenses to the issuing states. NOTE: All additional licenses must be returned, or if lost, the issuing state must be notified. Destroying a license does not end or invalidate one's status as a driver in a given state.
In compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Parts 392 and 383, a driver is required to notify his/her employer of any suspension or revocation of their operator's license. Part 383 further requires that the driver must report any violation of a state or local traffic law in writing to: A. The driver's employer and B. The state that issued the driver's operators license (except when the violation occurred in the issuing state), within thirty days of the violation.
I authorize All State Enterprise Inc. to request my driving records from any of my previous employers, individuals, or organizations, as dictated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, and I hereby release them from any liability which might be the result of providing this information. I hereby authorize my previous employers to release my safety performance history information to All State Enterprise Inc. in accordance with 49 CFR Parts 40.25 and 391.23.
By agreeing and submitting this application, I authorize All State Enterprise Inc. to make such inquiries into my employment, financial, personal, or medical history as might be needed to make an employment decision. I understand that inquiries into my medical history are generally made after a job offer is made. I hereby release my former employers, healthcare providers and schools from any and all liability in making response to these inquiries and from releasing the requested information.
By checking "I Agree" I have read and understand the terms of this agreement.